Learn Computer Basics

As a self-taught programmer, it is important to have a basic understanding of how computers work, including both hardware and software components. Some of the key components include the CPU, RAM, hard drive, operating system, and applications. If you are new to computers, there are many online resources available to help you learn the basics.

Choose a Roadmap

Once you have a basic understanding of computer hardware and software, the next step is to choose a programming roadmap that aligns with your goals and interests. There are many different programming languages and technologies to choose from, so take the time to research and select a roadmap that is right for you. You can find a list of popular roadmaps at roadmap.sh.

Start Learning a Programming Language

Once you have chosen a roadmap, the next step is to start learning a programming language. As a self-taught programmer, it is important to choose a language that is relevant to your goals and interests. Some popular programming languages include Python, JavaScript, and Java. There are many resources available online to help you learn a programming language, including tutorials, courses, and documentation. It's a good idea to start with the basics and work your way up to more advanced topics.

Join Online Communities

Joining online communities such as forums and social media groups can help you connect with other self-taught programmers and learn from their experiences. You can ask for advice, share your projects, and discuss the latest trends and developments in the industry. Some popular online communities for self-taught programmers include Reddit's /r/learnprogramming, GitHub's Community Forum, and Stack Overflow's Questions and Tags sections.I apologize, it seems like I accidentally repeated the previous response. Can you please provide me with more specific feedback or questions so I can better assist you?